Construction works during repairs of the hydroelectric power plant at NymburkZdeněk Petráš2020-04-25T03:56:02+02:00
Remediation of Chemical Water Treatment Plant II at Teplárna TrmiceZdeněk Petráš2020-04-25T03:56:08+02:00
Key customers
ČEZ, a.s., Unipetrol RPA, s.r.o., Sokolovská uhelná, p.n., a.s., Lovochemie, a.s., Plzeňská energetika a.s, CHEVAK Cheb, a.s., Alpiq Generation (CZ), s.r.o., Hydropol, a.s., Steelcase Czech Republic s.r.o., Vodárna Plzeň a.s., Česká rafinérská, a.s., Plzeňská teplárenská a.s., Elektrárna Dětmarovice, a.s. and others.