S-Profess = a team of qualified experts

We specialize primarily in the reconstruction and remediation of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, diagnostics and preparation of expert opinions on structures, as well as design, consulting and engineering activities. We can also provide you with design documentation for possible repairs, which we can execute in a superior quality.


We perform remediations of concrete and reinforced concrete structures.

Remediations include static securing, manual and machine application of materials, surface blasting, protective coating systems, and more.


Diagnostics of defects and faults of building structures and CTS (construction technical surveys) of structures.

Preparation of construction technical reports for structures, including determination of causes of defects and faults and recommendations for their remediation.


Design and consulting services - design of structures, steel and reinforced concrete structures.

Design of building and structural repairs, expert studies, elaboration of detailed design documentation of structures and shop documentation.


Preparation of plans, tenders, contractual relations, execution of structures, handover of works.

Analysis of supporting documents, solution proposals, technical, legal and financial supporting documents, feasibility studies, financial project management, planning.

completed diagnostics and construction-technical survey projects
performed remediations and repairs of structures
satisfied customers

Quality work is our calling card

Our key customers include Sokolovská uhelná, p.n., Hydropol, a.s. and ČEZ, a.s. Have a look at our cooperation and its results…

Our Partners

In order to execute all projects to the highest possible quality, we cooperate with our partners in case of highly specialized activities:

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